Sunday, August 2, 2015

And the countdown is on...

Well, it is really almost time to begin. As far as my summer goes, I have have exactly one week left. On August 10, teachers return to work. There is always such a bittersweetness (is that a word?) to this time of year. I thoroughly enjoy my summers. I like to stay up late reading or binge watching Netflix, sleeping late the next morning, lazily enjoying a cup (or three) of coffee before getting into the swing of things. The kids and I can do whatever we want. We can go to town and shop or we can just hang out by the pool. I love summer time.

 However, whenever school time approaches, I get a little excited. I love going into my classroom and setting it up for the new year. I get anxious waiting to see my roster of new kids. I start pinning lots of school ideas on Pinterest. I always end up at Hobby Lobby purchasing more things to make my classroom feel like home - well, let's face it, it should feel homey. (It is still a work in progress, but you can see some of my pics below.)  The kids and I spend most of our time there once the new year begins. I can't wait to see my co-workers again on a daily basis. I miss them in the summer-time. They are my extended family!

 So, in one week its goodbye summer, hello real-life. I have to say that I am especially excited about this new year. I am in a BRAND NEW BUILDING!!!! After waiting an extra year (after a tornado took out our new building and most of our downtown) the 4th, 5th and 6th grades are finally moving into our new intermediate school! We have new admins (who are as excited as we are) and new staff to welcome. Of course, with a newborn school, things are not perfect. I have to wait on bookshelves because ALL the teachers need shelving. We don't have Internet service yet because...well, I really don't know why. There will be new procedures and new adjustments made. Change is a difficult thing. Change is necessary. Change can be, and will be in this case, a good thing.

 Speaking of change and a new year, I wanted to briefly discuss the mindset that I would like to instill into my students this year. It is called a "growth mindset". I will explain.  There are two types of mindsets-fixed and growth.  A fixed mindset is one that belongs to those who think intelligence and skills are fixed/unchanging.  A fixed mindset thinks that he/she is either good or bad at something and there is nothing that he/she can do to change it.  Children who live in a fixed mindset are less likely to engage in challenging or difficult work because they think it is just too hard and they can't do it.  On the other hand, there are those with a growth mindset.  A growth mindset believes that intelligence and skills can be developed and honed through hard work and perseverance.  A growth mindset is not limited to only doing what one is "good at" or has a talent for.  A growth mindset understands that if one works hard eventually a desired outcome will occur.  This is the mindset I want my students to have.  I want to encourage them to work hard and to feel success based on their accomplishments through their hard work...not necessarily success based on a "grade". In order to do this, I need parents to adopt this mindset, too.  Below are some inspirational posters that promote growth mindset, as well as a list of phrases that can be used to promote growth mindset at home. This research is all new to me, too, but I will be happy to discuss it with you or give you links to information if you are interesting in knowing more (here is just one I've found. Parenting with a growth mindset).  I hope to meet you at open house on August 11.  Until then....

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton