Monday, October 27, 2014

New Quarter Begins

Can you believe it?  It has already been nine weeks since school began!  It is going so FAST!!!  Christmas will be here before we know it.  Sorry I haven't posted much lately...I am just busy! I'm going to try to do better.

We are ready to begin a new unit in class starting this week.  We are going to begin by reading The Salem Witch Trials, an unsolved mystery from history by Jane Yolen.  Please don't be concerned...I'm not teaching witchcraft!  Haha...we are just looking at the circumstances that led to the hysteria surrounding Salem at the time.  We are going to look at factors that led to the prejudice that was imposed on certain types of people.  Throughout this unit, we will look at the causes of prejudice and what groups have faced prejudice and inequality throughout history.

Students will complete two projects this nine weeks.  The first one is a smaller project called "Separating History from Fiction".  In this project, I asked students to read a historical fiction novel and write a summary on the story. Students should work on this project during bellwork time and at home.  I will not provide extra class time to complete it.   The requirements and scoring guide will be under the Unit 2 tab.  The next project will be after our Thanksgiving break.  It will be a large research project and presentation in class.  I will provide class time to complete this assignment.  As with the double entry journal, I will be available to answer questions and guide students along the way.

It is going to be SUPER busy in Literacy class this nine weeks.  We have a lot to cover, but I really look forward to the discussions and insight that the students will be sharing in class.

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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