Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The end is near

I can not believe that another year is almost over.  It has flown by!  As always it is a bittersweet moment.  I have grown so attached to these kiddos.  I know I will miss them next year.  I know that my curriculum has been rigorous and challenging, but the students are much better for it.  They have worked hard and I am impressed with how far they have come in just a short time.

This said, I don't want them to lose momentum over the summer.  I have devised a list of recommended books to keep them busy this summer.  I just want them to keep up their reading so they don't regress over the summer.  If they read a little each day, their skill level shouldn't drop or regress...hopefully it will improve.  If you go to my Goodreads page, you will see a list of recommended books for summer reading.  Some are series, so if I recommend one, I recommend the entire series.  You can shortcut to my shelf by clicking the "Goodreads" button below.  You may need a Goodreads account and send a friend request in order to see my shelf.  (I will accept the students' and parents' requests to view my Goodreads page).

Christy Tipton's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (mrs-t-recommends shelf)"

Students can also follow me on Instagram. I post a lot of poolside reading in the summer.  My toes get a lot of screen time.
You will see my Instagram slideshow in the sidebar.  I hope your children have enjoyed 5th grade as much as I have enjoyed having them in my class.  Thank you for your trust and support this year.  It truly means the world to me.  I know these kiddos have bright futures ahead.  Until next year...

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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