Friday, August 29, 2014

Going "Out of Our Minds"

I decided to start the school year with one of my favorite books - Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper.  The book tells the story of eleven year old Melody Brooks.  Melody has a photographic memory and is by all definitions a genius.  However, no one knows this - not even her parents.  Melody has cerebral palsy.  She can not speak or control her body movements.  Melody is trapped inside her own body with no way to communicate what she knows or how she truly feels.  This is making her go "out of her mind"- until she discovers something that will giver her a voice and allow her to finally "speak" to the world.

Sharon Draper has masterfully used figurative language, real life situations and heart-tugging events to draw the reader into Melody's life.  My students have quickly rallied to Melody's side and have gotten angry at doctors, teachers, and children who discount Melody because of her physical disabilities.  I hope hearing this story from Melody's point of view will help them become the kind of people who do not quickly jump to conclusions based on appearances.  I am so incredibly proud of how the children defend Melody in times of injustice.  We have been choked up together, laughed together and been furious together.

I want to share my love of reading with my students.  I want them to realize that reading can take them places that they may never be able to visit physically.  I want them to understand various points of view and differing circumstances.  I want to show them that reading can be fun and exciting, but also show them how important proficient reading is to real life.

I am thoroughly enjoying my classes this year.  It still seems like we have been in a whirlwind, but the kids are so eager and seem so hungry to learn, that it makes me eager to be here with them.  I hope this continues.  Happy reading!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Just another Manic Monday!

     What a fantastic start to a new school year! Monday was a little CRAZY!!! (hence the title of this entry)  It went by so fast, I felt like I didn't have much of a chance to tell the kids the really important stuff! We spent the first two days going over rules and procedures.  These will be practiced, practiced, practiced until they become second nature.

     We spent some time during the rest of the week getting to know one another (I think I can match all the faces to a first name!)  I was beyond thrilled to know how many children love reading...this is unusual, in case you didn't know.  The kids seem so excited about the new school year, as well.

     The students brought home their "Tipton-town" Facebook profile so that they could add a picture.  We are going to hang those in the halllway, so that it will help us find people that have our same interests.  It also helps us,  as teachers,  see what the kids enjoy.  Knowing this will help us make their learning relevant.

     I hope your child had a good first week of school.  I did!  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  And once again, WELCOME TO 5th GRADE!


Sunday, August 17, 2014

New School Year

     Tomorrow is the big day!  Its a new school year...another crop of 5th graders (not quite sure what to think, say or do)will enter the halls of VMS.  As a mom, I am sending my oldest away from my building to the Jr. High (sniff) but my baby is coming to 5th grade at VMS (yay!).  We are all excited about the new adventures that await us.  I am praying for guidance as I begin my 17th year as an educator.  I also pray to see these children through the eyes of Jesus and love them as He would.  

      I saw this quote (yes, on Pinterest) and thought it was a PERFECT way to describe my classroom philosophy..."In this room, we don't do easy. We make easy happen through hard work and learning!"  For those of you who don't know me very well, let me just explain how I run a classroom.  

1.   I LOVE THESE KIDS!!!  All of them!  I call them my kids because from the moment they are placed on my roster until the day I am no longer on this earth, they are MINE!  I always tell the students that I have two kids that live at my house.  The two that live at my house are held to high expectations.  I hold my school kids to high expectations, as well.  Why?  Because I love them!  I want what is best for them and I won't allow them to "cop out" and give me less than their absolute best.  This includes behavior, as well as academics.
2.  I am very particular about how I want things done...I call it "persnickity".  I teach procedures and we practice those procedures and I expect my kids to follow those procedures.  The kids respect it (even if they don't like it) because they KNOW undoubtedly what to do in my classroom.
3.  I will support them and encourage them as we journey through 5th grade literacy together.  This is not going to be easy.  A lot of what I ask them to do will be NEW.  It requires a lot of thought.  We read.  Then we talk about what we read.  After that,  we write about what we read and discussed.  Of course, we will then begin the process all over again.  One of the promises I make to the kids at the beginning of school is this:  No matter whether you like reading or matter whether you are good at it or matter where you begin in this class, I PROMISE that you will leave it knowing SO MUCH more about literacy than when you came in.  Get ready to work hard, think harder and get smarter!!

     Parents, don't worry about your children at VMS.  I promise that we love them, protect them and educate them.  The students are our primary concern.  Fifth grade will be one of their favorite years of school! 

Here is my notice to all students and a few pictures of my classroom before that first day begins.  Let the FABULOUS year begin!