Sunday, August 24, 2014

Just another Manic Monday!

     What a fantastic start to a new school year! Monday was a little CRAZY!!! (hence the title of this entry)  It went by so fast, I felt like I didn't have much of a chance to tell the kids the really important stuff! We spent the first two days going over rules and procedures.  These will be practiced, practiced, practiced until they become second nature.

     We spent some time during the rest of the week getting to know one another (I think I can match all the faces to a first name!)  I was beyond thrilled to know how many children love reading...this is unusual, in case you didn't know.  The kids seem so excited about the new school year, as well.

     The students brought home their "Tipton-town" Facebook profile so that they could add a picture.  We are going to hang those in the halllway, so that it will help us find people that have our same interests.  It also helps us,  as teachers,  see what the kids enjoy.  Knowing this will help us make their learning relevant.

     I hope your child had a good first week of school.  I did!  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  And once again, WELCOME TO 5th GRADE!


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