Monday, February 2, 2015

Its all Greek to me!

We have begun to really look at Greek and Latin roots and how they apply to our knowledge of word meanings and spelling.  We started off last week with the roots vis/vid (which means to see or view), aud (means to hear), phon (means to make a sound).  Below is a picture of a study guide for the test tomorrow.  We have been practicing these everyday, so it should be an easy assessment.  This week we will study the roots temp and chron (meaning time) and loc (meaning place).  I have also posted a study guide to use for that quiz (next week).

Students are writing essays in class.  I am specifically emphasizing the three components of an essay: introduction, body, conclusion.  I am reading over these and giving feedback to all students.  These essays must be completed by March 11.

Don't forget about our project that is due on February 27.  I hope the students are working hard to give me some good information from their fantasy novels.

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton
Week 1 study guide
Week 2 Study guide

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