Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Effort = Results

Learning is not a spectator sport. ~ Anonymous

We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle

I tell the students often that effort = results...that the work you put in will determine the outcome.  I have spent the year walking students through every activity and procedure.  I have never assigned anything that I have not modeled MULTIPLE times, given many examples, and answered all questions.

You will notice that the final exam for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe has a multiple choice portion worth 100 points and an essay portion worth 50 points.  The students were allowed to use the book on all portions of the test.  The multiple choice averages were nothing to write home about, but the essays...well, I really have no words.

That being said, we WILL redo the essay portion of the test.  I am going to spend this week and next re-teaching point of view and how to write essays.  After the re-teach, they will re-write to the same essay question for the remaining portion of their final grade.

 We are going to spend the remainder of the nine weeks reviewing all skills that we have "learned".  In case I suddenly become very unpopular in the eyes of your child, I want you to know what is happening in the classroom.  Mediocrity will NOT be accepted.  I will require them to go back and redo until they get these skills right.  They CAN do this!

I know that the kids are just being kids.  If I was a 5th grader, I wouldn't want to have to think so hard either.  However, it is the world we live in and these are the skills that are necessary for success.  Please understand that I am only trying to provide your child with the skills and strategies necessary for future success.

Let me know if you have any concerns or questions.

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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