Tuesday, March 3, 2015

When is SPRING?

I feel a little like the wolf in this picture.  All of our "snow" days are causing serious issues in my lesson planning!

I am grateful, however, that we were able to finish reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe before all of our winter weather began.  I am fortunately just in a review phase of our nine weeks.

Students are writing, writing, writing.  Reading and writing stamina are going to be important over the next few weeks.  There will be a lot of independent work in class with selective guidance from me for the rest of the quarter.  The students are acting very dependent, and they need to use the strategies and resources they have been given to solve problems and complete assignments.  We have worked on this all year, but lately we all seem to be reverting back to old behaviors.  I do not want my students to freak out on the PARCC exam.  I feel confident that I have prepared them for this test.  We are analyzing vocabulary that we might encounter and working through any "kinks" that might appear.

I am not a "teach to the test" kind of teacher.  I teach my curriculum.  I do admit I have high expectations, but my students always seem to rise to the challenge.  I believe that my students have all the knowledge that they need to be successful students in the future.  They have been given some tough assignments, been asked to re-do assignments, and pushed to give 110%.  I believe they are better for it.  I hope they understand that I want only the best for all of them.  If I didn't care so much, I wouldn't push them so hard.  I certainly wouldn't assign all these essays and projects-they only have to do one; I have to grade 90!

Thank you for all the support you have given me this year.  We are 3/4 of the way through 5th grade.  Can you believe it?  We still have a lot of work to do, but we can all see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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