Monday, March 16, 2015

Here we go again...

It is the beginning of our last nine weeks together.  Although I always look forward to summer time, I admit I am just a little sad that I only have 9 weeks left with these kiddos.

It is going to be a crazy few weeks.  This week, we will begin our new unit on reading non-fiction texts.  Then we have Spring Break! As soon as we come back, we take our PARCC exam.

**Can I take a moment here to discuss this:  PARCC is an assessment.  It is not the Common Core Standards.  The standards associated with Common Core are GOOD STANDARDS.  They are rigorous and focus on teaching authentic strategies students need for success.  PARCC is just a test.  Whether you think it is a good test or not, please understand that it was an assessment designed to test students knowledge of Common Core standards.  I would be happy to show any interested parent the current standards and discuss what is expected of our children...just let me know.

Okay...enough of that.  Back to our new unit...

Students will learn the types of writing that is expected and used with non-fiction texts.  We will be writing A LOT!!!!  I have told the children to make sure they have plenty of notebook paper for this nine weeks because we are going to use it! Students will be writing everything from arguements to brochures.  I am hoping during this writing time, that we can hone those grammar and spelling skills as well.  

You can expect another independent assignment.  I have not decided if it will be something to take home or something we work on in class.  It is still a little early for that.  Don't worry, your child will have plenty of time to complete the assignment.

As always, if you have questions, feel free to contact me.

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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