Friday, April 3, 2015

Testing Miss Malarky

Testing Miss Malarkey is a hilarious book by Judy Finchler.  The book chronicles the days just before the nefarious I.P.T.U. test given in the narrator's local elementary school.  The child recounts the strange behaviors that occur among the teachers and administration.  It is a really light-hearted look at the stress standardized testing puts on both teachers and students.

I just wanted to express how proud I am of our kids.  They worked so hard during the testing days.  I know they were tired...I sure was!  I am so glad the first part of that is over.  We still have our Science Benchmark and End of Year  PARCC, but those are very short days.

Don't forget that our school day will be extended beginning April 15.  On April 15, the tardy bell will ring at 7:45 and we will dismiss at 3:30.

This week we are beginning a new unit.  We are reading Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak: The Geek Heroes who put the Personal in Computers.  We will be focused on reading non-fiction this nine weeks.  We are going to read many texts that show people who have had to persevere to succeed.  We will also be looking at the structure in which these articles and texts are written.  We will focus on the following structures:  description, problem/solution, cause & effect, sequence & order, and compare/contrast.  Students will determine the characteristics of each of these structures and also learn to write them.

The independent project will be a classroom activity this nine weeks.  Students will be given several days in May to complete the assignment in class before the due date.

I know everyone is super-duper busy with after school activities, and with warmer weather, everyone wants to play outside as much as possible.  With that said, please help me encourage students to read a little everyday.  This time of the year is tough, so we are going to have to persevere to do well all the way to the end.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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