Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Over the past couple of weeks we have been reading articles and watching videos about perseverance. I think it is especially important this time of year to persevere since we are all ready for summer break! :)

Students have been reading these informational articles and identifying the text structures that are used.  We have been discussing why certain text structures are used in certain articles. (What is the author trying to accomplish?)

We will finish up our study of these text structures this week.  We will test over the structures.  Students will have access to their notes to help them identify the correct structure.  After that, we will move on to our final project of the year.  DON'T HATE ME YET!!!!  This project will be done COMPLETELY at school.  If your child uses his/her time wisely, then there should be absolutely no reason for them to have to complete this at home.  I will be devoting ENTIRE class periods to the completion of this project.  I will be available to answer questions. What I mean by questions is that I will clarify instructions.  Students will be expected to use their notes and apply their knowledge of text structures to complete this project.  I will not be enabling helplessness.  Perseverance will be expected.  They CAN do it!

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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