Friday, June 26, 2015

Getting ready for the new year!

During the summer I generally spend my time doing two things-1.) laying by the pool, reading a good book OR 2.) browsing Pinterest for new classroom inspirations.  My non-teacher friends often comment,  "It must be nice!" when they see my pool/book photos on Instagram.
Well, it is!    I can't help it...a literacy teacher should stay literate, shouldn't she?  Anyway, I digress.

 Today I wanted to try a few new things on the blog.  For example, I will be trying out a "Calendar of events" page in an attempt to keep you up-to-date as parents on our classroom happenings.  I will not have a weekly newsletter that goes out via email, so it will be of utmost importance that your child fill out his/her agenda properly.  You will also want to check this blog on a weekly basis for classroom updates, as well as signing up for my Remind number.

For those of you who might not be familiar with Remind, it is a one-way communication tool that allows me to send you text message updates on school events. Each of your child's teachers has at least one Remind account number.  You must sign up for each teacher's individual account to get those messages.  ALL students should sign up for my literacy number (see photos below), Mrs. Kinley's Science number, and Mr. Ashley's Math number.  For students in MY homeroom, you will also want to sign up for my Homeroom/Soc. St. number.  These Remind messages have been the BEST tool for keeping you up-to-date on tests, projects and other happenings.  We STRONGLY suggest that you enroll.  Your child may also enroll with their device.
This one is for homeroom kids only!

All Literacy Students need this one!!

As always, you can contact me by email or call the school and leave a message.  It is much easier for me to communicate by email since I can quickly scan my emails during the day to see if you have any questions or concerns.  Phone calls must wait until my planning time or after school.

For ALL of my Literacy students, the "This Week in Lit" page will be highlighting classroom projects, activities, etc. I will try to update it as things are changed or added to our routine.  For those who are in my homeroom, the "Homeroom/Social Studies" tab will keep you up-to-date on that class. My homepage is my place to practice what I preach to my students.  I use the homepage to just write my thoughts on teaching, children, philosophy (educational philosophy-I'm not crazy enough to touch politics or religion on this blog!), and all around random ideas.  Its just my way of expressing myself through writing.

I hope that you find this blog useful to you as the year progresses.  I am SOOOO excited to meet your kids and get to know each of them.  Until then...

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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