Monday, February 22, 2016

No Children Were Hurt In The Teaching Of This Lesson... I admit I was a little on edge this week.  I don't really have a good reason other than things just really got on my nerves!  If your child came home this week and said I was in a bad mood, then they were speaking truth.  It seemed like EVERYTHING just rubbed me the wrong way from extra talking in class to a fire drill.  Emails (that were just daily housekeeping stuff) led to exasperated sighs and eye rolls.  The same for the standard daily, "Mrs. Tipton, I can't find my book (or pencil, or RRJ...)."  The point of this blog post is not a confession.  It is to explain that I understand when we all have a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.  
Kids sometimes come to school, and just like everyone else, can't get "life" off their minds.  They just can not focus on the character analysis of Angus Tuck or what significant event led Stanley to run away.  They are pre-occupied with other things.  It is important for me to be sensitive to these things.  I know when their pets died, when home life is bothering them, about the bully on the bus,  and when they are worried about a sick relative.  You know...LIFE.  
This week the stress of life got me.  I am tired.  Honestly -okay, now we are getting into confession- doing these small groups and work stations ALONG WITH my usual whole group lessons is wearing me out!  However, looking at what I have learned about the kids from these small groups, it is worth it.  These small groups allow me to see just exactly who understand the concept and to what extent they understand.  This allows me to tailor lessons specific to the needs of the group.  This is my job and I love it.    I just feel that my tank is on empty right now.  I need a little boost.  And I'm not sure there is enough coffee to make it happen!  Maybe we will get ONE MORE SNOW DAY and I can rest! If we don't get any more snow, well then, I'll just have to make the most of my weekends. (Thankfully basketball season is over and we DON'T play baseball or softball!)  Until next week...
Happy reading, 
Mrs. Tipton

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