Sunday, February 7, 2016

Twilight Zone

It happens every year.  I don't know why I am always surprised.  I think I hold out hope that maybe this year...this year will be the year that my students don't go brain dead during the 3rd quarter of the year.  Well, I'm glad I didn't hold my breath...this year's crew is no different.

I have harped on work ethic all year.  I want my students to understand that they have to work in order to get the things they want, including grades.  Since returning from break, many students are neglecting their work.  I have taken many recesses lately because work is not being completed.  This is helping some.  Since returning from break, we have been spending the first 30 minutes of class in work stations.  Students work in 5 stations over 3 days.  One of the days is spent in small group sessions with me.  The kiddos have to learn how to use the time allotted wisely in order to complete the work that is assigned.
Another issue we have been having is coming prepared for class.  Since the beginning of the year, I have had a large black board with all of the necessary supplies posted.  This is on my door where students can see it PRIOR to entering the classroom.  This allows them to check and make sure they have everything that they need for class and if they forgot something, they still have time to go to their locker without penalty.  I don't understand.  I don't get why so many are coming to class and telling me that Tuck Everlasting is still in their locker.  IT'S ON THE BOARD!!!  We only read it or discuss it everyday!!!!!!!  Students are leaving pencils, papers, books, name it, they are leaving it lying around wherever it falls.  This drives me NUTS!  My own children are the same way.  I know it is because they are 10 and 11 years old, but Good Golly Miss Molly it gets old.  Yes, it is a lot, but that is why I have a list.  And the list only changes once in a 9 has been the exact same list since beginning Tuck Everlasting and book clubs.  So when your child tells you that he/she is not going to the behavior party because they had too many marks, my guess would be that they came to class unprepared too many times.

Okay...rant over. I know I addressed it last week on my "lit" page.  Sorry.   Now on to Genius Hour.  Genius Hour is an idea that stems from something designed at Google.  At Google, employees are give 20% of their time to work on passion projects.  The only restriction is that these projects must be related to Google and have potential to become a new product for the marketplace.  Genius Hour takes this philosophy and applies it to student learning.  Students will be allowed to have 1 hour a week to work on a project they are passionate about.  This time will be on Wednesdays.  Wednesdays are our library days, so any research that needs to be done can be completed while either in class or during library time.  Here are the requirements:

  • Students must research. If it can be found in one Google hit, then it is not a deep enough question for Genius Hour.  
  • Students must create something.  This can be anything from a PowerPoint to a model to a demonstration.
My hope from this idea is to let students use all the skills that they have learned about research, reading and writing and use them to learn more about something that is important to them.  Last Wednesday, students brainstormed ideas.  This week, we will work on our research proposals.  The kids seemed to be very excited, so I hope this becomes a springboard for motivated learning.  I have included the video that I will be showing students on Wednesday.  This will hopefully help you see how students can share their projects.  I also included a pep talk that we watched at the beginning of our Genius Hour last week.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  Until then-

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton 

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