Monday, December 12, 2016

Livin' on a Prayer

"WOOOOAH,  we're half way there.
 OOHH, Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear
OOHH Livin' on Prayer"

 I can't help but think of Bon Jovi's "Livin' On A Prayer" whenever I hear that something is halfway over.  Can you believe we are almost finished with the first semester already? It has really flown by.   I guess time flies when you're having fun.  We have certainly been busy!

I apologize for not keeping this blog updated more often.  I have been meeting myself coming and going this year.  It seems like I am NEVER caught up!!!  I'm definitely livin' on a prayer!

I wanted to take a minute and reflect on the first semester.  We accomplished a lot in just 4 months.  We read challenging texts and learned how to analyze them for their character traits.  We persuaded the world not to eat turkey at Thanksgiving. We have engineered and presented a toy, along with many other smaller things.  From August 15 until now, I have seen the students grow tremendously both as maturing young people and as students.  It is always amazing to think about where we started and how far we have come.

The second semester won't be any easier.  We are about to embark on the most difficult nine weeks yet.  In January, we will read Tuck Everlasting and another book club novel.  The culminating project for this nine weeks is...The DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL (duh,duh, duh).  If you have had a child in my class before (or if you have friends who have had a child in my class before) you have probably heard horror stories about this project.  I won't is challenging.  However, just as I do with everything, I walk the students through my expectations step by step and I give plenty of examples of those expectations.  This project is a lot of work and often students don't want to put in the work required.  Anyway...enough about that for now.  You will get more information when we return from the break.

It's almost Christmas!  YAY!  Despite having to scrape the kids off the ceiling almost every day, this is my favorite time of the year.  Basketball is in full swing, Christmas trees are up, stations are playing Christmas music, and the Hallmark channel plays Christmas movies ALL THE TIME!!!! (My husband just LOVES that!)  I hope you all have a chance to rest and relax over the break.  I wish you all a very happy holiday and Merry Christmas.

Oh, yeah...and remind your kiddos to read a little over the break so that they can get a head start on that 3rd nine weeks AR goal!

Until then...Happy reading-

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