Friday, December 30, 2016

Practice makes perfect

I have been teaching literacy in different capacities for the last 18 1/2 years.  I taught fourth grade,
first grade, Reading Recovery, and now 5th grade.  I know what early literacy learning looks like, what middle level literacy looks like, and how to help struggling readers.  At each level, I've always been asked the same question..."How can I help [insert child's name] become a better reader?"  I've been asked by parents of ALL grades (especially once someone finds out what I do for a living).  My answer is always the same...THEY MUST READ!!!!!  

Many students who do not like to read dislike it because:

  1. "It is too hard".  Somehow they missed out on strategies that they needed to know at an early age.  These can be taught at any age, but once a student leaves 2nd grade, the whole dynamic of literacy learning changes.  It makes it so much more difficult for a student to catch up unless he sees a specific literacy interventionist.  I'll talk more about this in a later blog.
  2. "It is boring"or "I don't like reading".  I hear this one ALL the time.  We live in a "microwave" world.  Everyone wants everything yesterday.  We have no patience as a society.  So naturally, this would be evident in our children.  Kids want everything to entertain them.  Well, that is not how real life is.  Everything isn't fun and games.  Sometimes, you have to read stuff that is BORING!  Trust me, I did not find the Scarlett Letter to be a thrilling page turner as a 16 year old high school junior.  Nor did I find Don Quixote to be my favorite in my college literature class.  However, they were assignments.  If I wanted to pass (and I did) I had to read and comprehend the stories.  I tell the kids all the time, "I don't like paying my electric bill, but I do like turning on my lights."  Sometimes, you just have to do things you don't want to do.  That's life.
  3. "I read too slow." or "It makes me sleepy."  Do you know how many times my husband and daughter have used that excuse?  If I had a nickel...   One reads slowly or gets sleepy because one lacks stamina.  I am a very fast reader and I can read hundreds of pages AND STAY AWAKE!  Know why?  Because I practice!
That brings me to the solution to all these EXCUSES.  You must practice.  Let me say that again (and louder) YOU MUST PRACTICE!!!!!!!  Okay, no more yelling.  If someone wants to become a great ball player or musician, he must practice.  The same with reading.  There is no magic formula, no quick fix to make it easier.  To become a better reader, to build that stamina, a person must read-whether he likes it or not!

When I was a younger teacher, I had the silly notion that I could make every kid LOVE to read.  I know now that that is just not going to happen.  I still believe that I can make every student appreciate literature and language.   I still believe that I can help students become proficient readers who can function as literate adults. (If I didn't still believe these things, I think it would be time for an occupation change!)  I know that some people do not find reading to be a worthwhile hobby, but I would be stunned to hear a person say that reading is not a key to success.  One must be able to read and read well.  So, even though I still try to make students love to read, it is not my primary focus.  My main goal is to make them into literate people.  Every activity that I do is designed to make them better readers.  

I want to address the AR goals for a minute.  I may sound a little preachy in the next couple of paragraphs, but I feel that this needs to be addressed.  At the beginning of each quarter, students take a test online that assesses their reading range and grade level equivalent.  This information is shared with the student during a private conference.  We look at growth or regression and discuss it.  Then based on their current reading range, the student sets an AR goal for himself.  The goals range from 10 points to 30 points based on what the student feels he can accomplish.  I do guide the students to make an attainable goal.  Students should be able to reach their goal with approximately 4-5 books in a nine weeks.  This, of course, is based on the length and difficulty of the the book.  

Now, I provide approximately 10 minutes daily in my class to read.  I know that the other teachers on the team provide time in their classes periodically, as well.  Students are supposed to bring a book to every class every day.  Students are also allowed to stay in at recess or take a book to the courtyard or the ICU classroom voluntarily.  We give as much time to independent reading as we can.  However, we do have content to teach, so I can not give 85 minutes a day to silent, independent reading.  That is why the ONLY homework your child has in my class is to read EVERY NIGHT for a minimum of 20 minutes. Now, I can control what happens in my classroom.  I can run reports and see that your child is behind in his reading and I can send them to ICU in an attempt to catch up.  What I can not do, what I WILL not do, is check up on whether or not they are being responsible for this at home.  Honestly, parents, that is your job.  I'm not trying to meddle or tell you how to parent your children, but if you don't set a time or some sort of accountability for your child's reading homework, he is not going to do it.  Unless you have a book worm, your 5th graders is going to find something else to do instead of read.  

I remind students about their goals.  I check up on their progress periodically.  I'm going to do even more check-ups in this new semester.  I will be holding your kids' feet to the fire on their reading practice.  There is absolutely no reason for a child to not meet his AR goal.  I have TOO MANY who are not meeting their goals.  This is because they are not reading.  I do not require reading logs, but the AR goal is their accountability piece.  I can tell from looking at the reports whether or not a child is practicing his reading.   

 I have two children. Neither of them will sit down and read their assignments UNLESS I tell them to do it.  My son would just rather play video games and let his grades be "good enough". So, now he isn't allowed to play video games during the regular semester.  He knows that if his grades fall despite the lack of gaming, then the phone and car are next.  My daughter gives me every excuse you can think of to avoid reading.  She doesn't like it. In her words, "I hate it!"  My response, "I don't care.  You have to do it because it is an assignment."  She knows that if her grades fall because she doesn't complete assignments, then basketball will no longer be part of her distraction.  You see, I found my kids' "currency".  It doesn't matter if I agree with the assignment.  It doesn't matter if I like their teachers.  What matters is that they understand that their job is to complete school work to the best of their ability or there will be unpleasant consequences at home.  

We will be setting new goals when we return.  Your child will be required to write his goal in his agenda and have you sign it.  I will be keeping a "Status of the Class" to determine who is reading what and how long it is taking them to read each book.  I have now installed a password on to AR, so that students must have me enter it before they quiz.  This is to help prevent students from taking quizzes over books they haven't read. Once again, I will be requiring students who fall behind in their reading to attend ICU to catch up.  That is what ICU is for...a second chance to avoid failure.  With that said, any student who owes any teacher work or assignments will not be allowed to attend the Citizenship party at the end of the quarter.  Being a good citizen includes following rules and procedures, but it  requires one to complete assignments to the best of one's abilities, as well.   

I hope I can count on your support.  I do have your child's best interest at heart.  I am doing everything I can to make your child a proficient and literate person who can be successful in his future.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Until then-

Happy reading-

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