Tuesday, October 13, 2015

One down...3 to go!

Can you believe we've already been in school for a whole nine weeks?  Friday marks the last day of the quarter.  It has gone by like a whirlwind!!  I guess time flies when you are having fun.

It has certainly been a busy nine weeks.  We have read 2 novels, completed a project, increased our vocabulary, and learned to identify eight different types of figurative language.

I was pleased to see that, so far, the majority of the projects have been very well done.  I have had more A's and B's on these than I have in the past.  I hope that continues to be the trend.  I'm glad that most of the students took this assignment seriously, listened to my instruction in class and applied it to their work.

We will be jumping into a non-fiction unit next month.  I hope to be able to do some really interesting things in class that will engage the students and get them excited about our study.

If you have not purchased a copy of Tuck Everlasting and would like to do so, you have until October 26.  I will send off the book orders then.  It would be very beneficial for your child to have a copy of the book.  The project that goes with that nine weeks will be a lot easier for them if they can highlight or mark pages and specific evidence in their book.  Of course, this is NOT a requirement.  It is just a suggestion to help make things a little easier on the kids.  This month I can purchase the text for $1.

And some FANTASTIC news to report....ACCELERATED READER IS NOW WORKING AT FMIS!!!!!  Students have taken their STAR test in my class.  I will add this assessment to the others that I have done so that I have a better understanding of where students are in their reading abilities.  Students are now REQUIRED to take AR tests over books that they read and finish.  By Friday, students must take a quiz over Holes and their fantasy novels.  We will take an AR quiz over The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe after we discuss and review next week.

Again, thanks for all the support you give me.  It won't be long...this year will be over in the blink of an eye.
Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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