Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Responsiblility or Accountability?

"Accountability is something that is left when responsibility has been subtracted." -Pasi Sahlberg

I think this quote is amazingly accurate.  When one is responsible, accountability is not necessary.  It is almost the end of the first quarter.  Many students have acclimated themselves to the "5th grade lifestyle" so to speak.  They remember to follow procedures, do their assignments, and participate in class.  These students understand that the bar is high and they are rising to the occasion.  These children are being responsible for their education.  They do not need to me to continually remind them to do what is necessary.  Accountability is not required.

Unfortunately, this is not a unanimous occurrence.    There are a few students who are behaving in an irresponsible manner.  They come to class without their materials...OFTEN.  They "forget" to do their assignments.  These children even fail to follow the procedures (example:  completing their agenda) that are repeated in ALL THREE CLASSES.  This is when I have to hold them accountable.

As of today, I have a total of 12 grades in the grade book.  I have another 5 or 6 coming before the end of the quarter.  Students have been given several opportunities to correct or override some mistakes or poor scores.  One of these opportunities was the reading log.  This was worth 100 points. It is the EASIEST assignment I will ever give.  Students just have to read and write down what they read on 20 different dates.  I want them to read EVERYDAY, but they only have to write down 20 of those days.  That's it.  They can read a book, a bible study, a magazine, newspaper, Internet article...anything with words!  Even studying for another test is reading...IT COUNTS!  When students are not responsible and fail to complete or turn this in, it results in a traumatic decline in their overall score.  For example....one student had a 55% because he/she failed to turn in his/her reading log.  Had he/she turned it in, his/her score would have been a 71%.  A reading log could be the difference in passing or failing a nine weeks.  Please encourage your child to do this assignment.  Hold them accountable if they are not responsible.  I promise it is an important assignment.

Back to classroom responsibilities:

I have added independent work centers to my daily routine.  In these centers, students are expected to complete their word study practice, check over it, and ask me any questions for clarification.  We do a "check point" on Wednesdays because we do not have work centers on that day since it is our library day.  After word study is completed, students move on to writers' workshop.  In writing workshop, students choose a prompt or topic and write according to the directions given.  Students are generally given a full 5 days to 1.) write a rough draft, 2.) self-revise and edit, 3.) peer revise and edit, 4.) write a corrected final draft.  At this time, these are the only work centers we are implementing.  The goal is to make sure students understand the procedures for these two centers so that they are independent of me.  My role during this 30 minutes will eventually be to meet with small groups to work on skills that those students need to improve.  The rest of the class will need to be responsible for their own work so that I can work with these students for an uninterrupted amount of time.

I know 5th grade is an adjustment for kids.  We work with them, remind them, encourage them...we want them to be successful.  However, at some point, they have to take responsibility for their education.  They have to decide whether or not it is important.  They have to see the value in it.  You and I can hold them accountable because they are minors and are not mature enough to make every decision on their own. We just need to work together so that they understand that it is their responsibility to take advantage of this educational opportunity that is available to them.

As the gang at East High would say, "We're all in this together!" (It's a High School Musical reference-just in case you didn't have a daughter who was obsessed with the movies)

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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