Monday, September 28, 2015

I'll worry about it tomorrow...

PROCRASTINATION....I think at one point or another, everyone has procrastinated.  I'm really bad about putting off grocery shopping until we are literally out of food in the house...I hate it!

However, procrastination on school projects can cause undesired grades.  I have seen it time and time again.  In the past, parents have spoken to me at P/T conferences to tell me how their child stayed up until midnight the night before some project was due and threw something together so that they wouldn't get a zero.   I promise those students NEVER made an A on the assignment.  The work just wasn't quality.

I am a deadline person.  If I have a project or assignment that is not due for several weeks or months, I set deadlines for portions of it in my calendar.  This keeps me on track and allows me to handle the assignment in managable chunks.  I tried to help the kids create deadlines for this first assignment.  I posted them on the board, had them write it in their agendas, and posted it to our blog calendar.

I want my students to succeed.  My expectations are high.  I only want their very BEST work and anything less will result in poorer scores.  Waiting until the last minute will not provide me with the students' best work.

Even though Scarlett O'Hara told us that, "Tomorrow is another day," we don't need to put our assignments and projects off too long...set deadlines and keep them.  It will pay off in the end.

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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