Monday, September 21, 2015

Time Flies When Your Having Fun!

Can you believe half of the first quarter is already over?!  It has been a whirlwind so far!!!  We are really getting to the heart of literacy.  We are reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  There are many skills that we are picking up as we read this novel.  We are also learning how to use Greek and Latin roots to figure out unknown words within our texts.  I have explained to the students that these word study units are not about memorization...I want them to understand and apply their knowledge of these words.

I have really been trying to focus on growth mindsets in class.  For many children this is the first time that school work has been a challenge.  Some students may be receiving the first C, D, or F in their school career.  It is traumatic for them.  I do understand this.  Because 5th grade is such a challenge and expectations are high,  I am trying to remind them that mistakes are opportunities to grow.  I am trying to explain to them that facing challenges allow us to have those "WOW! I did it!" moments.

I am wanting to post this bulletin board somewhere in the room.  These are phrases that you can use or remind your child to use to help their mindset.  THEY CAN DO THE WORK!!!!  Fifth grade is a challenge, but I know they can rise to it!!

Please...if you have any concerns at all, contact me....I only want the best for my students.

Until then-
Happy reading,
Mrs. Tipton

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