Monday, September 14, 2015

Why Reading Logs?

I am often asked why I insist on reading logs in my class.  The reason is simple....the more you read, the better you become at it.  There is only one way to improve vocabulary, fluency and comprehension...READ!  Reading logs are a tool that remind students that they should be reading.  It keeps them accountable.  I know how busy life can be.  Without a reading log, my own children wouldn't read.  I have included a chart to show the benefits of daily reading.
You can see from the infographic that the benefits of reading just 20 minutes can greatly increase your child's chances for academic success.  

On another note...students should be working on their independent projects at home.  Students were given a timeline to follow so that things would be done in an orderly and timely manner.  These deadlines are just suggestions.  I wanted the students to have a guide so that they do not wait until the night before to finish their activity.  

Please remember, if you have any questions, you can email me or even comment below.  

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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