Monday, September 28, 2015

I'll worry about it tomorrow...

PROCRASTINATION....I think at one point or another, everyone has procrastinated.  I'm really bad about putting off grocery shopping until we are literally out of food in the house...I hate it!

However, procrastination on school projects can cause undesired grades.  I have seen it time and time again.  In the past, parents have spoken to me at P/T conferences to tell me how their child stayed up until midnight the night before some project was due and threw something together so that they wouldn't get a zero.   I promise those students NEVER made an A on the assignment.  The work just wasn't quality.

I am a deadline person.  If I have a project or assignment that is not due for several weeks or months, I set deadlines for portions of it in my calendar.  This keeps me on track and allows me to handle the assignment in managable chunks.  I tried to help the kids create deadlines for this first assignment.  I posted them on the board, had them write it in their agendas, and posted it to our blog calendar.

I want my students to succeed.  My expectations are high.  I only want their very BEST work and anything less will result in poorer scores.  Waiting until the last minute will not provide me with the students' best work.

Even though Scarlett O'Hara told us that, "Tomorrow is another day," we don't need to put our assignments and projects off too long...set deadlines and keep them.  It will pay off in the end.

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

Monday, September 21, 2015

Time Flies When Your Having Fun!

Can you believe half of the first quarter is already over?!  It has been a whirlwind so far!!!  We are really getting to the heart of literacy.  We are reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  There are many skills that we are picking up as we read this novel.  We are also learning how to use Greek and Latin roots to figure out unknown words within our texts.  I have explained to the students that these word study units are not about memorization...I want them to understand and apply their knowledge of these words.

I have really been trying to focus on growth mindsets in class.  For many children this is the first time that school work has been a challenge.  Some students may be receiving the first C, D, or F in their school career.  It is traumatic for them.  I do understand this.  Because 5th grade is such a challenge and expectations are high,  I am trying to remind them that mistakes are opportunities to grow.  I am trying to explain to them that facing challenges allow us to have those "WOW! I did it!" moments.

I am wanting to post this bulletin board somewhere in the room.  These are phrases that you can use or remind your child to use to help their mindset.  THEY CAN DO THE WORK!!!!  Fifth grade is a challenge, but I know they can rise to it!!

Please...if you have any concerns at all, contact me....I only want the best for my students.

Until then-
Happy reading,
Mrs. Tipton

Monday, September 14, 2015

Why Reading Logs?

I am often asked why I insist on reading logs in my class.  The reason is simple....the more you read, the better you become at it.  There is only one way to improve vocabulary, fluency and comprehension...READ!  Reading logs are a tool that remind students that they should be reading.  It keeps them accountable.  I know how busy life can be.  Without a reading log, my own children wouldn't read.  I have included a chart to show the benefits of daily reading.
You can see from the infographic that the benefits of reading just 20 minutes can greatly increase your child's chances for academic success.  

On another note...students should be working on their independent projects at home.  Students were given a timeline to follow so that things would be done in an orderly and timely manner.  These deadlines are just suggestions.  I wanted the students to have a guide so that they do not wait until the night before to finish their activity.  

Please remember, if you have any questions, you can email me or even comment below.  

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

Monday, September 7, 2015

Filling in the "Holes"

Well, I hope your child has enjoyed our introductory novel Holes.  It is absolutely one of my favorites.  I almost didn't include it in my curriculum this year, but just couldn't part with it!

So far, the year has been going very well.  Students are getting used to the groove of things and becoming more responsible about their actions.  I am enjoying this group of kids very much.

This week we will begin our new novel study.  We are going to read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  Again, this is another of my favorites.  In Holes, I read the story to the students as they followed along.  I stopped to have discussion along the way and check for comprehension.  I was basically the "sage on the stage".  This novel will be different.  I am going to step back on the reading part.  Students will be reading the majority of this novel on their own in class.  My job now is more of a guide.  I plan to stop occasionally to make sure everyone is on the same path.  We will have class discussions and do activities together, but students will be required to read this text on their own.

This week, students will also be assigned their first independent project.  This project is due at the end of the nine weeks on October 9.  Students will have exactly one month to complete this project.  They are required to work on this project at home.  Time management and organization will be a key component in completing this activity on time.  I will help students create some goals and deadlines so that they stay on track.  You will be receiving a copy of the project requirements as well as all the required handouts.  It will also be located on this blog under the "project" link.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

You should also receive a book order catalog this week.  You can order by check (Please make to SCHOLASTIC), cash, or online at (class code HWMQW ).  You will only need this class code the first time you set up your child's account.  From that point forward, you should be able to use your personal username and password.

Until next time...happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton