Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to work we go!

Last week I wrote about our new arrangement in class.  I am diligently watching the students to determine if my theory regarding student engagement holds true.  I hope so.  We have a much happier environment with flexible seating.  We have had many visitors stop by our room and observe. I have been so pleased that the kiddos have been actively working and behaving appropriately each time a visitor has popped in.

This nine weeks, as most of you know, we are working in small groups and in independent work stations.  These work stations require just that...WORK.  Students are expected to complete assignments independently.  All assignments are activities that do not require teacher instruction (they are review or repetitive).  Students will be held accountable for the work they do in these work stations.  One of the things that is an adjustment is independent time management.  Students are learning how to manage the time that they have in class to complete tasks.  Some are realizing that wasting time will result in homework.  I am proud of the students who have chosen to take their work home without prompting.  This shows great responsibility on their part.  

I am proud of how far these students have come in terms of work ethic, behavior and attitude.   I feel confident that this group of students is going to be successful.  I look forward to seeing how they work on our double-entry journal at the end of the nine weeks.  This is always the most challenging of our projects.  I am hopeful that the changes and the small group instruction will help them to meet the challenge.  

Again, I really appreciate all the support you give to me and my class.  

Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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