Monday, January 4, 2016

One to go!

Can you believe that half of the year is already over?  It has moved quickly.  We are finished with one semester and beginning the second.  With that said, this is always the most challenging nine weeks (for teachers and students).  I don't know if it is because it is a long time before we have another break, or if it is the cold weather, but for the last 18 years that I have been in the classroom this is the most challenging of all the quarters.  It is a struggle to keep everyone motivated and focused on school.  Grades are typically lower in this nine weeks than in others.  I am saying this in an attempt to head off any issues we might have regarding this...maybe this will be the year of change! (FINGERS CROSSED)

Enough of that...this nine weeks, we will once again focus on our fictional elements in literacy.  We will explore theme, figurative language, plot, and character development.  We will be reading a class novel as well as reading individual novels in our book clubs.  It will be very important for students to keep up with their reading assignments so they do not fall behind.

This unit will focus on "Coming of Age" novels.  Each novel we read, whether it is our class novel or our book club novels, will deal with the concept of growing up.  I have picked both old and new classics to read.  I am excited about this unit.  Our class novel is Tuck Everlasting.  If you purchased a copy of this book for your child, I have it stored in my closet at school and will pass it out when we begin reading.  I re-read it over the break and was immediately reminded of why I love this book so much!  I encourage you to read it with your child if you have the opportunity.  Other books that will be in our book clubs are Al Capone Does my Shirts, Bridge to Terabithia, Because of Winn Dixie, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I love all of these stories!

Before I sign off, I wanted to inform you about a certification that I am in the process of renewing.  I am a Nation Board certified teacher in literacy.  I am in the process of renewing my certification this year.  Part of this process is video recording my lessons.  These videos are NOT posted to the Internet or shown to anyone other than the certification assessors.  However, I do need your permission to video tape your child. I will be sending a release form home to you soon.  Please complete it and return it as soon as possible.  If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact me.

I am excited about what I have planned for this semester!!  I hope the kids are ready to rock and roll, too!

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