Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I'm flexible, man!

Last week, I blogged about flexible seating.  I stated that it "WAS HAPPENING!"  I was blessed with a donation from a parent to purchase a few things.  That purchase gave me the boost I needed to take the plunge.  We are now a flexible seating class.  Students can choose to sit at desks, on rugs, on the couch...well, you get the picture.  Today was the first day of full implementation.  I thought it went well.  The kiddos understand that their behavior will determine whether or not I can continue this arrangement.  They are aware that they must complete their assignments and contribute to discussions in order for us to continue to be "flexible".    I am placing a few pictures of OUR class on the website (faces are blurred) so that you can see just how well it worked today.  This first set of pictures shows the room before the kids entered this morning.

Here is how our day went:
Panoramic view of the classroom
workstation time

I truly believe that it was a good day.  The students were engaged and seemed excited about the new arrangement.  I am going to continue to monitor how the students interact.  Thank you for your support.  I really appreciate how much you trust me with your children!

Think, pair, share activity
Happy reading-
Mrs. Tipton

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